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Banner Setesdal Mineralmesse


Listed by categori in alphabetical order. In case no further information is available on the web you will be redirected to the tourist office in Evje, where you can ask for brochures, opening-hours etc.


BYGLANDSFJORD STASJON - 4745 Bygland - (+47) 37931400 - An old railroad station. Byglandsfjord Stasjon
BYGLAND TUN - 4745 Bygland - (+47) 37931400 - a municipal museum. Bygland Tun
EVJEMOEN MILITARY MUSEUM - 4735 Evje Evjemoen Military museum
GLASSBLOWER'S WORKSHOP - 4735 Bygland, (+47) 37934040 Evje Gull og Sølv
IVELAND and VEGUSDAL BYGDEMUSEUM - 4724 IVELAND, (+47) 37931400 - a municipal museum arrow_right_round.gif - 1230 Bytes
NOMELAND POWER STATION - A beautiful old building housing a hydroelectrical powerplant. Nomeland Power Station
SETESDALMUSEET - 4748 Rysstad - (+47) 37936303 - presenting the history of the Setesdal arrow_right_round.gif - 1230 Bytes


BERTESKNAPEN - Flatebygd, 4735 Evje - Posted trails and a wonderful view from the Bertesknapen hilltop. Bertesknapen
EVJE NATURSTI - A track from Evje to the Mineralsti through both nature and culture. Evje Naturs
FENNEFOSSFJELL - 4735 Evje - magnificent view from a hilltop overlooking Evje and it's wide surroundings. Pictures Fennefossfjell
FÅNEFJELLSVEGEN - 4745 Bygland - posted trail in scenic landscape. Tourist Office
GAUTESTAD - 4735 Evje - posted trail in scenic landscape. Tourist Office
HODNE - 4735 Evje - posted trail in scenic landscape. Tourist Office
REIARSFOSSEN - Ose, 4745 Bygland - impressive 300 m high waterfall and posted trail in scenic landscape. Tourist Office
SKISLAND HIKING TRAILS - In the south of Iveland. Tourist Office
ÅRDALSKNAPEN - 4741 Byglandsfjord - trail starting from Neset with at many places a phantastic view over the valley. Årdalsknapen


BIKING - Information about the biking possibilities in the Setesdal. Bertesknapen
DAMPBÅTEN D/S BJOREN - 4741 Byglandsfjord, (+47) 37931400 - an old steamboat offering tours on the Byglandsfjord. Dampbåten D/S Bjoren
DESTINATION SETESDAL A/S - Offers a wide range of adventure training programs. Destination Setesdal A/S
FISHING - Information about the fishing opportunities in the Setesdal. Fishing
K.O.T., Kirkegata 15, 4699 TVEIT, (+47) 38025263 - Self-service mountain cabins. Horseback Riding
OGGE GJESTEHEIM, kano rental - 4730 Vatnestraum, (+47) 37961889 - paddling in beautiful scenery. Ogge Kano A/S
SLOTTBAKKFJELLET CASTLE - The remains of an old castle northwest of Iveland near the fylkesveg 403. Tourist Office
SWIMMING in the OTRA - Information about swimming opportunities in the river Otra. Tourist Office
TROLL-AKTIV RAFTING CENTER - Evje - tlf. rafting, elg- and beaver safaries, peddling, climbing etc. A wide range of adventure sports in the spectacular Setesdal valley. We offer unforgettable experiences for all age groups. We can accommodate you in teepees, youth hostel or self-contained appartments. Troll Mountain Rafting Center
VIKING ADVENTURES NORWAY - 4735 Evje - rooms, rafting, elg- and beaver safaries, peddling, climbing etc. A wide range of adventure sports in the spectacular Setesdal valley. We offer unforgettable experiences for all age groups. We can accommodate you in teepees, youth hostel or self-contained appartments. Troll Mountain Rafting Center

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